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  • alan@adsautos.com
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Importance of Routine Vehicle Servicing and Maintenance
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Importance of Routine Vehicle Servicing and Maintenance

We cannot stress enough the importance of regular servicing. The modern engine although built to far superior tolerances then previously needs careful maintenance. Over the years, we have had to present customers with invoices in excess of a thousand pounds most of which could have been avoided if the vehicle had been maintained properly.

A recent example involved a 2007 Volkswagen Touran Diesel – it required an oil pump which entails changing a large balance shaft assembly deep in the engine amounting to £1683. Due to the oil pump failure this in turn caused the turbo to fail resulting in a further charge of £865 to fit a new one resulting in a total charge of £2548. In our opinion if this car had been properly serviced and maintained with regular oil changes these faults would not have occurred.

Another common example of cars that are not regularly maintained is that a Customer complains that the brakes are noisy. They are actually worn out but because they have been allowed to go metal to metal – the job now entails changing the brake discs as well as the brake pads. Depending on the car this could easily add an extra £140.

When we service your car, w will look at your average mileage and advice accordingly thus hopefully avoiding the need to change brake discs.

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